So, my sister got married this weekend. As you can see, she had a great time and was devastatingly beautiful...I cried...a lot! And I don't really consider myself a crier...
But let me start at the beginning. Of course, Dana was stressed the night before, and I tried to keep her calm...But of course, I don't have those skills. No one really slept the night before...including Jeff who was sick AND had a band gig the night before.
As Jeff drove me that early morning to the salon to get my hair and makeup done, we also had Brompton in the car. He was going to stay at my parent's house that night so that Jeff and I could stay in the hotel with the bridal party. My iphone was in my pocket and locked, although the bluetooth was connected to my GPS. Suddenly, Brompton kicks me in the side and the phone says, "Calling Vet"! Jeff says, "Brompton, what's wrong?"
It's like a one and a million move that Brompton would kick my locked phone causing it to unlock, scroll through my contacts and dial the Vet! What the heck!?
So, I had a good early morning laugh.
Then at the salon, it turns out my hair stylist was also named Jackie, but my makeup artist used to do theatre with me back when I was in Macomb Jr Players! Such a small world!
Next laugh came when mom came to drop off the wedding dress. She took me to the back room and asked "Wanna see the girls?" She unzipped her jacket to show her amazing new push up bra! I fell back, laughing, but that really was a nice bra doing an amazing job! :)
We got on the limo bus to see Eric's Aunt Kathy had made us a gift basket for the limo stock full of delicious goodies! I was glad because I had eaten nothing yet, but didn't intend to eat until at least after the ceremony to preserve my makeup.
Meadow Brook Manor was beautiful, and my sister really fit in with the architecture in her lace gown. But it was kinda odd and off putting that people were pushing past us as we waited to walk down the aisle, because they were still conducting tours! Even during the ceremony, we saw lookieloos...Which as an actor, I found cool, but non-show offy people might have been uncomfortable.
I began to cry the second I started walking down the aisle...That picture is going to be hideous! I cried mostly because this was finally happening and now nothing, not even selfish people who had been previously stressing her out, could ruin it for my sister at this point.
As soon as she came down the aisle and saw my blubbering face, she started to cry too...Okay, so
I ruined it for it...Dammit...
The ceremony was unique and very sweet...I am not sure exactly what was said because I had to keep singing "poop poop poop" over and over in my head to keep from crying...I am sure I made some snarky remarks too...You get ridiculous Jacquie or you get uncontrollably sobbing Jacquie...I pick ridiculous...makes people less uncomfortable and I have less snot bubbles in photos.
My husband was the head usher and he worked his tail off (seriously, we haven't seen his tail since the wedding) despite being sick. But he was wonderful. And Dana's planner, Danielle was a hero to us all.
We took some photos at the manor, but we were being hurried out because apparently another wedding was being held there the same day! Wow...high turn over!
The photographers teased me for showing shoulder in some photos...I said, "I know I am dripping with organic peanut butter."
"Did she say peanut butter?!" one photographer asked.
Organic peanut butter" the other clarified...
Yep, still being ridiculous...Don't stop me now!
We got in the limo and went to the middle school where Dana and Eric first met when they were kids. They took some adorable photos there. Then we went to check into our hotel for the evening. (After stopping for more beer....seriously, no one could wait til we got to the reception? C'mon!)
Then there was the reception. I was soooo nervous to give my Megatron of Honor speech (remember, every time you say "Matron of Honor" my hips get a little wider). I had the speech on my iphone and I was shaking so much that I kept clearing the screen. I didn't disappoint. I still wrote a short play about Dana & Eric (with Jeff playing a very convincing Eric), but I was more proud of my final line,which got me blubbering all over again:
So if I have to say something poignant, I guess it would be this:
May God bless you both. I am so glad I can call you sister and now you brother...But I am more proud that I can call you my friends.
To family. To friendship. To Dana & Eric.
thought I copied it from somewhere, so I felt proud that it sounded so good. Still I shook and fumbled through the whole it might not have gone over as well as I wrote it. Stupid stage fright! And I am an actor!
Then there was the buffet and the photo booth...Oh how we loved the photo booth!
But the dancing was actually a lot of fun too! I blame my years at
Tony & Tina's Wedding. I am no longer embarrassed to dance like a fool in front of people. I danced with my daddy a LOT! Everyone loves to watch my daddy dance! He has SKILLZ!
All in all, I really think it was a wonderful wedding. And I can understand my sister being sad that it is over now. But I can't wait to look at the photos and the video and relive it all again! She should be so proud that she pulled off such a classy affair, even though she is a Floyd girl! I am proud!