Current mood:
But A lot has been a foot. I have been on my constant mission of saving those who cannot save well as helping those who cannot cast themselves...course, still waiting for my turn, but whatev.
I have returned MANY lost dogs to their owners over the last few weeks. I rescued a sweet baby bird I called Lloyd (cuz he looked like Christopher Lloyd to me).
I found him in the middle of the sidewalk while walking the Brompton. I assumed he was dead...he wouldn't be the first dead baby bird I had found on a sidewalk, but when I bent down to pick him up he peeped in desperation. He was very strong and very healthy. I searched desperately for a nest but all the trees nearby were saplings. I could see every branch and none had a nest. I picked him up and rushed him home. There I fed him Mighty Dog and he really seemed to enjoy it. His poops smelled like Beef Tenderloin. :)
I had some bird rehab training from my days working at the nature center, so I kinda knew what to do, but I knew I didn't have the time or resources to give him the care he needed.
The stupid Humane Society wildlife division closed at 1pm and didn't open again until 10am the next day. I had an on camera audition at 10:45 and a theatre audition at 3:10. Best I could do was rush to the humane society the next morning and pray I got out in time to make my audition. Until then, Lloyd remained my responsibility. (please ignore my annoying "peeps" I found it got him to open his mouth for food)
The next morning, I got to the humane society and the two teens working the counter told me all they would do is charge me $18 to surrender him and they would "humanely euthanize" him! What the crap?! No way! This guy was a fighter. I wasn't going to ignore that, so I brought him with me to my audition. Meanwhile my mom was calling around looking for a place that WOULD take him.
After my audition, my mom found a place in Macomb Michigan. So I drove Lloyd all the way from 13 and Telegraph to M59 and Garfield. The lady was so kind and told me that their birds have a high success rate. I was so relieved that the birdie had a fighting chance now. He was so sweet and inspirational!
Then I ran off to my other audition at Maple and Drake roads...I really put the miles on my car, but it was worth it.
The next day, walking the dog, I found another lost dog at the park. With the help of some basketball playing nerds, called the number on its tags and returned it to the owner. Brompton also got groomed!
He is handsome once again. Even though he is currently hiding under the bed from the thunderstorm.
I had another audition yesterday for a voice over that I totally should have gotten, but I haven't heard, so I guess I didn't. But even the client told me I nailed it. Who knows what anyone really wants, though...
Tomorrow I have a callback for a SAG sitcom. I really want to do well. There are (as far as I can tell) only 4 of us called back for the role. 2 leggy blondes and one leggy brunette...and me...short stumpy redhead. Gotta try to memorize these 7 sides to make a good impression!!!! So, tomorrow I am off to Grand Rapids for the day.
Apparently its supposed to rain the whole time Jeff are on vacation in Allegan. Guess our bikes will just sit and get rusty on the trailer hitch...But at least we'll be on vacation...
Wish me luck this weekend!!!!
Look at you, saviour of animals! I wouldn't have known what to do. Good for you!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I left a little something for you over on my blog. :)