So I am in the midst of my first week of travel and I know for a fact I will NOT be bringing the laptop with me for the rest of the month! I never realized how complicated going through security is when you're traveling alone.
Balancing my ID and boarding pass, I need to remove my laptop from my tightly packed bag, my jacket, my shoes, my belt (and try to hold my pants up sans belt), place my phone and my "carry on allowed liquids" in yet another bin. Plus my bag AND my gament bag!
Once I am scanned, I get to the end of security, put my laptop back in my overstuffed bag, my liquids, put my shoes back on, my belt, my jacket...now where the hell is my ID and boarding pass?! On the ground on the other side of security?!
Got em...wheres my friggin phone now?!
I never realized how much my husband helped me as I did this ridiculous balancing act before...no more...taking the laptop out of the equation...Belt can't be helped...unless I go with my paint covered sweatpants that make my ass look big...tomorrow i don't have that luxury...i have to go to the airport in my suit! Guh! I am gonna need to pick up some dryel if i am flying in that suit! I am really stressed about getting on the flight home tomorrow...meeting ends at 4pm, my flight is at 6pm...i shoulda just stayed the extra night...
I ended up having to spend most of my per diem on room service the first night in Dallas...nothing in walking distance from the hotel...
Tonight, in Houston I will probably walk to the Jack in the Box or the Taco Bell or something...
I am still nauseous from the bumpy flight from Dallas to Houston...I can still feel it...which is why I haven't completely devoured my fresh warm doubletree chocolate chip cookie yet...
3 more weeks of stressful security scrutinization...I don't like this one bit...it takes too long for one thing...i have missed a flight before because of security shenanigans...
Its really early...not even 3pm here and I am considering going to bed already!!!!
The shows I do out here don't bother me at all...its the getting to and from them that is the major to do.
Got a big "Thanks but no thanks" for the Bravo tv movie I rushed around to audition for . The guy left me a message that I retrieved just as I landed in Houston. I am so used to hearing "no" but it still sucks...I worked so hard for it. I am watching all the people I am working with booking jobs left and right...no one wants to work with a red head with a big butt, I guess...I will have to continue to produce my own movies just to get work!!! Sigh...how self serving...
I need a nap...
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