I've been smiling a lot lately.
I mean, I am still not the smokin hot model chick I wish I was. But if wishes were dishes, I would need a new china cabinet...whatever that means...
I had a great day on set filming for Henry Ford Medical. The medical jargon threw me off and made me mess up my lines...but I always nailed the medical terms...it was the regular words I would lose it on.
I have been having some fairly successful auditions for once in my life. And I think the GUEST ROOM might finally be getting some more festival attention.
I get to film a zombie movie tomorrow, but before that I get to audition for a tampon commercial, demonstrating how to insert a tampon on a puppet...how can things get better?
The producer from my hospital industrial sent a nice letter to my agent, too!
Jacquie and Oliver were an exceptional team to work with. Oliver's experience and interpretation brought a wonderful depth to the character and program. Jacquie's ability to bring a difficult clinician role to a truly believable level was great. They both took direction very well and were a please to work with. The clients and I were extremely pleased with both and were amazed at how realistic the scenes came across. Several commented that it was like watching real life situations.
I will definitely put both of these talents on my list to use in the future.
Things are going great...and they're only gettin better...
The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades :)
I wanted to play the video from HEAD OF THE CLASS here...but it can't be found :(
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Looking for ego strokes, I googled myself...
Current mood:
Well, I had to remind myself that even when I don't get cast, I still am a talented actress.
I stumbled across a WEENIE ROAST MASSACRE review I had never seen before and is only available in a cached version, so I am going to copy and paste it here
Weenie Roast Massacre
Review by:
Release Date:
Singa Home Entertainment
Aspect Ratio:
Directed by:
John F. Kerr
David Prouty
Jeff Priskorn
Jacquie Floyd,
Julie Yurconis
Bottom Line:
Football. Chicks. Beer.
Marty Flaherty is the stud wide receiver of the Indians; an upstart team of underdogs racing to a championship thanks to Marty’s skills. When Marty suffers a bizarre head injury involving a barbecue grill, he wakes to wonder if he’s still in the reality he’s been living – or some parallel life.
Marty, his buddy Jason, Jason’s girlfriend Jenni, and Marty’s would-be girlfriend, Rachel head off for a weekend in the woods. Jason (Jeff Priskorn) is the typical hot-headed jock with a temper more volatile than nitrous oxide on the equator on a summer’s day. Jenni (Julie Yurconis) is fickle enough to tempt him at every turn when the couples are joined by a couple other loudmouthed jocks. Jason and Jenni exist for sex, beer and jealousy. Anything deeper is reserved for Marty and the blurring lines between what he knows and what he thinks he knows.
(So…I hear you asking of your monitors….where are the weenies? Patience, grasshopper. (You can make that out even with a plastic bag on my head, I hope.))
Marty soon discovers the mutilated bodies of the troublesome intruders, but when he reports them to Jason, no bodies are there. Is he going mad? Is he hallucinating? Did someone move the bodies? And what about the next disturbing news…the mutilation of the Indians’ football coach.
(An aside: How many indie flicks feature stoners? And why are they always in pairs? Food for thought…and munchies.)
The film soon takes a detour into the career of newscaster Stan Wackerman and his ambition to hit the big time. Wackerman and his camera man Ed soon betray the mandates of Felicia, the station director, that “little Hitler bitch”, and decide to move in on the breaking news of Coach Paps death. Stan and Ed proceed to unlock the mysteries of Marty’s past while proceeding on the inevitable crash course with homicide.
While Jason and Jenni figure out their relationship, and Marty finally starts to realize that Rachel actually might love him, a douche bag musician named Nick appears on the scene to disrupt things even more. (Yes, I realize douche bag musician may be redundant, but humor me here.)
Let’s review. At this point, we have a high school, relationship and football film with a few homicides…and almost no weenies until an hour into the film. The first time a weenie is on screen, it’s the subject of subjective sucking. As expected, the massacre soon follows.
As the climax looms, weapons and motives are scattered across the scene like suspects and weapons in a game of CLUE. All signs naturally point to Marty, but is the damaged receiver still damaged goods or is he just the herring in the red varsity jacket, leading viewers down a path of hallucination.
What follows is a marriage of “The Best of Time” and “Friday the 13th. “ If viewers are totally confused and distracted, then the filmmakers have done exactly what they’ve set out to accomplish.
So, how does it end? Yeah, like I’d tell you. Watch it and find out.
Weenie Roast Massacre features an average cast hoping to drive home the vision of a good writing team and a twisted director. The cast is adequate for the most part and just not quite up to par in the supporting areas. Jacquie Floyd is a good looking girl and by far the busiest (and most talented) of the cast.
Mark France helms the special effects department, and earns above average scores for the decapitations and rapid amputation set loose in the film’s final act. Before long, almost every character is losing limbs at the behest of the demented killer. France and his team make the most of a cheap situation, leveraging lights and angles to make kill after kill as believable as possible.
Weenie Roast Massacre features slasher film coming-of-age tunes from Pthalo and the Will Eyler Band. Pthalo is an indie band from West Haven, Connecticut. Eyler is a buddy of the filmmakers and a contributor to Loose Change Productions. In addition to the company’s three films, Loose Change is responsible for Loose Change TV, an award-winning cable access show.
Find the official site of Weenie Roast Massacre at www.weenieroastmassacre.com.
Your rating: None
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All movie titles, pictures, and materials are registered trademarks and/or copyrights of their respective holders.
There was also this view you can still link to:
Source: www.madebydetroit.com
Detroit's premiere podcasting network.So, its time to get noticed for something new!
Have you ever googled yourself and found a surprise? Would love to hear about that!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Paycheck vs Prestige
So, I have been getting work here and there. A lot more than I ever have actually. But everything I seem to get will never be seen by anyone I know.
Training films, live events for corporate meetings, regional commercials in regions I know no one.
They DO pay well, I admit. But there is something to hearing someone say, "I saw you on tv the other day." Or "Let's go see that movie that Jacquie's supposed to be in."
Never heard that. As far as I know my commercials and billboards never even aired in Chicago. None of my eyes out there reported back as having seen them.
And so many people I know are getting film auditions. My agent called me the other day to congratulate me on another gig I booked through them. A hospital training video. (Jeff and I were actually both up for the SAME role, believe it or not). She mentioned how it looked like I was on a role with the auditions lately. Instead of being gracious, I shot back, "Yeah, now how about getting me on some film auditions?"
I don't think I was mean about it, but come on! There's gotta be a role SOMEWHERE for a chubby little red head like myself, right?
I am grateful for the work I do get. I am. But so many people are getting movies and the only movies I get are made by myself or by friends. I can't even get into a movie audition! I wonder what its like to do that kind of stuff? I have been acting since I was 8 years old. Look where I am. I just want one role where my parents can catch it and be proud of me. Not feel like they wasted their investment into my career. And I would love for my husband to be proud of me, too. Not just his fat, lazy wife who eats nachos every wednesday night while she watches America's Next Top Model.
But for now, I will be proud of what I have. Sometimes prestige isn't everything. Sometimes just knowing who you are and being proud of yourself is important. That and doughnuts.
Training films, live events for corporate meetings, regional commercials in regions I know no one.
They DO pay well, I admit. But there is something to hearing someone say, "I saw you on tv the other day." Or "Let's go see that movie that Jacquie's supposed to be in."
Never heard that. As far as I know my commercials and billboards never even aired in Chicago. None of my eyes out there reported back as having seen them.
And so many people I know are getting film auditions. My agent called me the other day to congratulate me on another gig I booked through them. A hospital training video. (Jeff and I were actually both up for the SAME role, believe it or not). She mentioned how it looked like I was on a role with the auditions lately. Instead of being gracious, I shot back, "Yeah, now how about getting me on some film auditions?"
I don't think I was mean about it, but come on! There's gotta be a role SOMEWHERE for a chubby little red head like myself, right?
I am grateful for the work I do get. I am. But so many people are getting movies and the only movies I get are made by myself or by friends. I can't even get into a movie audition! I wonder what its like to do that kind of stuff? I have been acting since I was 8 years old. Look where I am. I just want one role where my parents can catch it and be proud of me. Not feel like they wasted their investment into my career. And I would love for my husband to be proud of me, too. Not just his fat, lazy wife who eats nachos every wednesday night while she watches America's Next Top Model.
But for now, I will be proud of what I have. Sometimes prestige isn't everything. Sometimes just knowing who you are and being proud of yourself is important. That and doughnuts.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Memphis and New Orleans
Our first night in Memphis we went to Corky's Famous BBQ. Service was fast and sassy!
We got back to our hotel in time to enjoy our free wine and duckies wandering the lobby.
The next day our shows went fine aside from my stuttering through one of my scenes.
Then we headed to Beale Street and things got crazy! We found a parking garage right off of FLOYD ALLEY! But the sign said they closed at 10pm. I expressed my concern and Sammy went to talk to the lot attendant. He came back telling us not to worry about it. I asked if he was sure and I was teased for being "neurotic".
We went Rendezvous where I had my first slab of ribs ever. They were great. Then we headed to the clubs on Beale Street.
Michelle was in rare form, flashing the empty streets of Memphis, making a cab driver's evening.
Beale Street was closed off to traffic and every bar seemed to have a live band and "beer to go" windows. No one wanted to go to the karaoke club with me.
We found our way to B.B. King's place where their all-star 8 piece band was playing. They were great. Michelle was dancing and macking with random dudes. (Dudes who would later yell at me for cock-blocking them...sigh...Do people REALLY pick up chicks at bars? How cliche!)
Sammy started freaking out, saying some guy who sat beside us was a "musical legend." I asked who he was. Sammy gave me attitude for not knowing. Undeterred, I asked again and he admitted he didn't know either. It turned out to be Eddie Lavert of The O'Jays.
The band was great and Sammy ended up getting friendly with the trombone player. He ditched us to attend their after party. Michelle had a hard time shaking her silver fox. She did cartwheels down Second ave. She kissed hom goodbye at the Peabody and we got to our parking garage which was LOCKED UP TIGHT!
Now I am pissed because everyone called me neurotic but no one would listen to me! Now we are trapped 12 miles from our hotel. We call Sammy and demand to know exactly what the attendant told him. He was no help, of course.
We are trapped outside from our car. Then an angel from Heaven pulled up. She has a card to get into the garage. We ask her for help and she asks if we're honest. We plead that we are and she lets us in.
We run to the car, but everything is still locked up tight. How do we get out?
There's a machine to put cash in. We keep feeding it singles until the gate miraculously opens and releases us. I am still mad, but grateful to be heading back to the hotel.
Greg accidentally blows through 3 red lights before getting on the freeway! But we make it back and Sammy eventually meets us at the airport the next morning.
Our first evening in New Orleans wasn't bad. First we went on a carriage ride through the French Quarter. Very neat. Our mule was named Elvis. He farted a lot. We passed the gay bars and saw a gay porno playing through a window. Not officially part of the tour, but everyone thought it was hilarious. I loved the historical portion of the tour.
I didn't pay for any drinks that night, but I am pretty sure I got tipsy. We drank New Orleans' "Most Powerful Drink." The hand grenade.
I got carded at the door of that bar. The doorman said if I looked younger than 25 he had to card me. I told him I might hug him. Instead, Michelle flashed her boobs. That got us all some free New Orleans beads.
We went to another place where I ate some fried alligator. Then we went to a gay bar where Michelle got kicked out but I made friends with a drag queen who let me feel his/her fake styrofoam boobs! The gays LOVE me! :)
Kevin always said I must've been a gay man in a past life because I have a beacon that calls the homos to me. I love them, too. That's why I write so many plays about them!
Then the group had to catch up with some dealers but I had to wait outside because I am a "surprise" in the meeting the next day.
Michelle couldn't be torn away from the bars, so Greg and Peter walked me back to the hotel. I can only take so much fun on a work night.
After our meetings on Thursday, we quick changed our clothes and headed to Bourbon Street. Too bad I had packed two left boots because I had to wear my suit heels with the dress I had packed! I got the right amount of compliments on my outfit. We got giant hand grenades and walked down by the river. By then I was tipsy and needed to get out of my heels before I broke my ankles. Michelle wanted to put on her dress so she could get her attention. I got sloppy, she got pretty and we hit the streets again.
We saw a lot of prostitutes and strip shows. Michelle was the belle of the ball while dudes glared at me as if I were her butch girlfriend cock blocking. So, I played it up, doing Kevin's "Straight man walk". Yeah. I was convincing.
We ate at the Checkered Parrot. Of course, I was too sick to eat, again. Greg and Sammy had a huge political debate.
I asked if they could walk AND shout so we headed to the Cat's Meow. I signed up for karaoke.
A guy asked Michelle to sing LOVE SHACK with him. She made me come up with her. Then I sang HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT. I was a hideous, sweaty, fat mess. But people cheered for me anyway. It was fun. But, being a hot mess I was ready to go to bed at midnight, knowing full well I needed a shower.
I would love to come back with Jeff. I feel pretty when I am out with him. I was physically just "one of the guys" on this trip. A total dude in everyone's eyes. It felt weird.
I am so glad to be home. I have NEVER felt like an actual dude before and it freaked me out. I even had a nightmare last night that I turned into a guy and I didn't know what to do with myself. Even my mother had to abandon me because she couldn't handle it.
I like feeling dainty and pretty. How does Lady Ga Ga do it?
We got back to our hotel in time to enjoy our free wine and duckies wandering the lobby.
The next day our shows went fine aside from my stuttering through one of my scenes.
Then we headed to Beale Street and things got crazy! We found a parking garage right off of FLOYD ALLEY! But the sign said they closed at 10pm. I expressed my concern and Sammy went to talk to the lot attendant. He came back telling us not to worry about it. I asked if he was sure and I was teased for being "neurotic".
We went Rendezvous where I had my first slab of ribs ever. They were great. Then we headed to the clubs on Beale Street.
Michelle was in rare form, flashing the empty streets of Memphis, making a cab driver's evening.
Beale Street was closed off to traffic and every bar seemed to have a live band and "beer to go" windows. No one wanted to go to the karaoke club with me.
We found our way to B.B. King's place where their all-star 8 piece band was playing. They were great. Michelle was dancing and macking with random dudes. (Dudes who would later yell at me for cock-blocking them...sigh...Do people REALLY pick up chicks at bars? How cliche!)
Sammy started freaking out, saying some guy who sat beside us was a "musical legend." I asked who he was. Sammy gave me attitude for not knowing. Undeterred, I asked again and he admitted he didn't know either. It turned out to be Eddie Lavert of The O'Jays.
The band was great and Sammy ended up getting friendly with the trombone player. He ditched us to attend their after party. Michelle had a hard time shaking her silver fox. She did cartwheels down Second ave. She kissed hom goodbye at the Peabody and we got to our parking garage which was LOCKED UP TIGHT!
Now I am pissed because everyone called me neurotic but no one would listen to me! Now we are trapped 12 miles from our hotel. We call Sammy and demand to know exactly what the attendant told him. He was no help, of course.
We are trapped outside from our car. Then an angel from Heaven pulled up. She has a card to get into the garage. We ask her for help and she asks if we're honest. We plead that we are and she lets us in.
We run to the car, but everything is still locked up tight. How do we get out?
There's a machine to put cash in. We keep feeding it singles until the gate miraculously opens and releases us. I am still mad, but grateful to be heading back to the hotel.
Greg accidentally blows through 3 red lights before getting on the freeway! But we make it back and Sammy eventually meets us at the airport the next morning.
Our first evening in New Orleans wasn't bad. First we went on a carriage ride through the French Quarter. Very neat. Our mule was named Elvis. He farted a lot. We passed the gay bars and saw a gay porno playing through a window. Not officially part of the tour, but everyone thought it was hilarious. I loved the historical portion of the tour.
I didn't pay for any drinks that night, but I am pretty sure I got tipsy. We drank New Orleans' "Most Powerful Drink." The hand grenade.
I got carded at the door of that bar. The doorman said if I looked younger than 25 he had to card me. I told him I might hug him. Instead, Michelle flashed her boobs. That got us all some free New Orleans beads.
We went to another place where I ate some fried alligator. Then we went to a gay bar where Michelle got kicked out but I made friends with a drag queen who let me feel his/her fake styrofoam boobs! The gays LOVE me! :)
Kevin always said I must've been a gay man in a past life because I have a beacon that calls the homos to me. I love them, too. That's why I write so many plays about them!
Then the group had to catch up with some dealers but I had to wait outside because I am a "surprise" in the meeting the next day.
Michelle couldn't be torn away from the bars, so Greg and Peter walked me back to the hotel. I can only take so much fun on a work night.
After our meetings on Thursday, we quick changed our clothes and headed to Bourbon Street. Too bad I had packed two left boots because I had to wear my suit heels with the dress I had packed! I got the right amount of compliments on my outfit. We got giant hand grenades and walked down by the river. By then I was tipsy and needed to get out of my heels before I broke my ankles. Michelle wanted to put on her dress so she could get her attention. I got sloppy, she got pretty and we hit the streets again.
We saw a lot of prostitutes and strip shows. Michelle was the belle of the ball while dudes glared at me as if I were her butch girlfriend cock blocking. So, I played it up, doing Kevin's "Straight man walk". Yeah. I was convincing.
We ate at the Checkered Parrot. Of course, I was too sick to eat, again. Greg and Sammy had a huge political debate.
I asked if they could walk AND shout so we headed to the Cat's Meow. I signed up for karaoke.
A guy asked Michelle to sing LOVE SHACK with him. She made me come up with her. Then I sang HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT. I was a hideous, sweaty, fat mess. But people cheered for me anyway. It was fun. But, being a hot mess I was ready to go to bed at midnight, knowing full well I needed a shower.
I would love to come back with Jeff. I feel pretty when I am out with him. I was physically just "one of the guys" on this trip. A total dude in everyone's eyes. It felt weird.
I am so glad to be home. I have NEVER felt like an actual dude before and it freaked me out. I even had a nightmare last night that I turned into a guy and I didn't know what to do with myself. Even my mother had to abandon me because she couldn't handle it.
I like feeling dainty and pretty. How does Lady Ga Ga do it?
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